7 Red Flags

So we’re in the season of wanting– Spring is the hiring season for schools. 

Last year around this time, I found myself wanting to hire a certain teacher candidate after I saw his resume. He was dual-certified in two subjects that we needed, and he coached track, which we also needed. He spoke French, Spanish. A glorious combo in a school for English Language Learners. I did notice his resume was long, and wordy, but . . . 

I called him for a short phone interview, which we do to vet people before an in-person interview. I talked about the school, and I kept speaking and speaking, and — this is usually a warning sign that I feel the need to please someone. But, I thought, maybe I was just out of practice interviewing . . . 

A few minutes into our conversation, he said, “OK, now I can talk. I’m in my driveway.” What? He had been driving this whole time? Why had he agreed to take an interview while driving? Maybe I had scheduled it too early and should have made sure. . .

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I’m here, and I hear you


Student artwork sale at the High School of Language and Innovation

I remember my first interview for a teaching position in August 2000, part of the first cohort of New York City Teaching Fellows.  I was standing in line at a hiring fair at the Brooklyn Marriott Hotel.

When I got to the front of the line, a harried-looking man introduced himself as a district representative hiring for a position teaching 8th grade in a middle school in Brooklyn. Continue reading